after the storm

I found my way
To the time of the day
Where the sky turns grey
And the water was falling through
I’d been so dry
And the lightning sky
Was a sign that I
Had to live, had to die anew
That I couldn’t hold back 
That each flash was a crack In a shell that held me 
Waiting until I grew
And I pushed through

I felt the rain
And the years of pain 
That I couldn’t explain 
Fell away, and away I flew
Into lightning sky,
Into thundering sky
That was stretched out tight 
And in flashes of white I knew
That my soul had grown 
That I wasn’t alone
That the sky and the ground 
And everything around
Was a part of me too

That the storm was I
That the river was I
That the desert was I
And the rhythm of Magic was true
And it drummed its song 
And it danced its song
And it wailed its song
And the force of the symphony grew
‘Till my soul was free
And as far as I could see 
And around, and around 
Rang the Universal sound 
Of the Everything

And my wings were wide 
And my eyes were wide 
And my vision was wide 
Seeing colours of very hue
In the black of night
Where the stars are bright
I flew over the land
Taking in the expanded view
And I witnessed the dawn  
After rain and storm
And the Sun was warm 
And the Earth reborn
And I was too 
And I was too 
And I was too